Monthly Archives: Mai 2016

Exercises / Übungen / Exercícios

“You are not here to do exercises or to learn to do something right, but to get able to meet a stimulus that always puts you wrong and to learn to deal with it.”
F.M. Alexander

“Sie sind nicht hier um Übungen zu machen oder um zu lernen etwas richtig zu tun, sondern um fähig zu werden auf einen Reiz zu treffen welche Ihnen immer in einen ‘falschen’ Zustand setz und um zu lernen damit fertig zu werden.”
F.M. Alexander

“Você não está aqui para fazer exercícios ou para aprender a fazer alguma coisa de modo certo, mas passar a ser capaz de enfrentar um estímulo que o coloca sempre num estado “errado” e aprender a lidar com isso.”
F.M. Alexander

In memoriam – Joan Arnold
Alexander Technique Intro, Yoga

Sad to hear about your recent departure: In memoriam – Joan Arnold
I did not know Joan personally and I miss her too.
I liked Joan’s description of how to free the practice of Yoga with the help of Alexander Technique which I think applies to almost any activity.